Thursday, August 17, 2017

Blood on whose hands?

What are we to make of this Charlottesville business?  Not strictly our concern - or is it?  Where I live (West Midlands) we frequently get the EDL (English Defence League) organising demonstrations and being met by anti-fascist counter-demonstrations. America of course always does things bigger and better(??) but otherwise it's much the same thing.  It's natural to see the counter-demonstrators as having the moral high ground but violence is meted out by both sides and a thump round the head with a baseball bat has the same impact, irrespective of who is wielding it.  And although I find it strange to be sort of defending him, I think that is what Trump was trying to get at. Violence is violence - the concept of "righteous violence" is iffy at best.  What I find more helpful is to look at motivation - who was there for what purpose?  Who was being proactive, and who merely reactive?  Seen this way, it is clearer to see that the alt-right lot were the instigators, and those opposing them simply reacting to what was being done.  Doesn't alter the fact that violence was meted out by both sides.

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