Monday, July 24, 2017

I am X!

Maybe it's a generational thing, but I find it difficult to get my head round this concept of being able to choose what gender you wish to be - and now it seems you will be able to change gender by simply filling in a form!  And what the hell is "non-binary"? I think I've said before that I can just about relate to someone who feels they are a woman trapped in a man's body, or vice versa, but not knowing what you are?? Seems to me we are simply pandering to the egocentrics and narcissists who just want to feel important and have their "five minutes of fame".  "Look at me - I'm different" sort of thing.  Like I say, I come from a generation where such concepts were unknown - question is, were they there but not talked about or did they simply not exist?  I have this theory that once you put a label on something (like "non-binary") it becomes a "thing" and takes on a life of its own.  So in my day, the words did not exist and so the concepts did not exist.  And I think I preferred it that way!

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