Sunday, February 19, 2017

Depends on your point of view

The recent spat in the Church of England between the Bishops and the General Synod is more than a disagreement between people - it is an existential split between those that believe that Christianity is a set of immutable rules, and those who believe that the Church should reflect current thinking.  The Bible specifies marriage as the union between a man and a woman and for the Bishops, that's it - and ever shall be. Their opponents would have it that the Church should move with the times and inasmuch as same-sex marriages are now generally accepted (but not by everybody - see 3/4 /14) the Church should follow suit.  I am with the Bishops - if your religion is based on the teachings of a Holy Book then that's it - you can't pick and choose - it's all or nothing. Otherwise you don't really have a religion - what you have is simply a philosophy. 

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