Thursday, November 17, 2016

Me no likee...

It seems that "liberal" has become a dirty word.  And this bothers me, because I would certainly classify myself as liberal (small l).  What do I think I mean by that? Well, basically, live and let live. I accept that everyone is an individual with their own likes and dislikes and deserves to be respected as such.  I will not attempt to foist my views on you but equally I will not attempt to stop you speaking out for what you believe in.  But it now seems that this is wrong.  The brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump are both seen as examples of what could be called "anti-liberalism" - people with what might be categorised as extremist views taking over the agenda and sticking up two fingers to the rest of us.  So what do we liberals (I assume I'm not on my own here) do?  Fight back? But then we stop being liberal, don't we?  I'm confused and worried.

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