Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Making a bad situation worse??

Can't understand some of the press's attitude to Sir Philip Green.  Whatever he may or may not have done, and whatever you think of him, we are looking to him to do the decent thing, and use some of his considerable wealth to plug the hole in the BHS's pension scheme.  So do you think calling him "Sir Shifty", calling for him to be stripped of his knighthood and berating him and his wife for cruising in the Greek islands while the doors were finally closing on those department stores, makes it more or less likely that he will do so?  I hold no brief for him, and he may well be the "unacceptable face of capitalism", but frankly in view of the way he's being treated by some people, I wouldn't blame him if he said "sod the lot of you" and walked away.

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