Monday, August 15, 2016

...maketh man.

I know I've been down this line before, but what on earth happened to good manners?  We seem to have got into a situation now where peoples "rights" override any responsibility they have to behave properly and responsibly.  What's brought this on?  A gay male couple were seen holding hands in Sainsburys.  A member of the public took exception to this and complained to a security guard who then "ejected" them from the shop.  This prompted gay couples of both sexes to descend on the shop and carry out what was described as a "mass kissathon".  At least, that is how it has been reported - in reality it may not have been so straightforward.  But as I see it, this is not a matter of right or wrong - it's a matter of behaviour.  The couple maybe should have thought twice about holding hands in public.  The member of the public who complained should maybe have kept their thoughts to themselves.  The security guard should maybe have just had a quiet word and left it at that.  It's always worth thinking about the possible consequences of what you intend to do - and then maybe not doing it.  Like I say - manners.

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