Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Lazy Cook

Can't think why I haven't done this before - but then, I don't think I've done a pudding before.  So -
Summer Pudding
You will need - 
A bowl - greased on the inside
Some slices of bread
Summer fruits - raspberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants and such
Caster sugar
Cream or ice-cream to accompany.

Once again, I have not given quantities.  The size of the bowl determines the size of the pudding so work from that.  Put the fruit in a saucepan and slowly bring to the boil and simmer until it starts to thicken.  Add caster sugar to taste.  Line the bowl with bread slices.  Pour in fruit mixture and put more bread slices on top.  Put a saucer that fits inside the bowl on top of that and something heavy on top of that - tin of something usually does the trick.  Put in the fridge and leave for at least overnight - longer if poss.  To serve, remove saucer and weight, run a knife round the inside of the bowl, put a plate on top and then invert bowl and plate.  Pudding should slide out onto plate.

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