Saturday, July 30, 2016

Big tartan brother?

I was somewhat appalled to read about the SNP's idea to have the welfare of every child in Scotland overseen by a "Named Person" - most likely a teacher or health visitor.  OK so the Supreme Court have ruled it illegal, but as I read it, they have not blocked the idea itself, but merely the way the legislation is drafted, and the SNP have said they intend to make the necessary changes and re-present it.  So, why is it so worrying?  Well, as I understand it, it means that parents in Scotland will forever be looking over their shoulders at their child's Named Person who. if they think the parents are not doing their job properly, will presumably have the power to intervene.  On a practical level of course, the chances of the same Named Person overseeing the whole of a child's life from birth to age 18 is remote - there are those who will change job, or retire, or die, so it's unlikely there will be any real continuity, so you have to wonder about the viability of the concept, even if you agree with it.

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