Friday, April 15, 2016

Look at what he's got!!

I thought that the politics of envy had more or less died out in the 70s or 80s, but it appears not.  As far as I can see, the fuss about the PM's and Chancellor's tax returns has little if anything to do with how much tax they have paid, but far more about how much they are worth.  In other words, it's all to do with how well off they are, or are perceived to be.  I suppose the argument concerns the extent to which someone worth hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of pounds can appreciate the problems of someone with little or no savings living hand to mouth.  And it's a reasonable argument, but a rather pointless one. Power and wealth tend to go hand in hand so those in authority over us will always tend to be better off than we are - and the experiment of various countries with Communism didn't change this equation. So have a moan if it makes you feel better, but it ain't going to change mate! 

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