Sunday, March 27, 2016

Nannies in the park?

Is a pram the same as a push-chair?  Well, no it's not.  You don't see many prams these days, but effectively it's a bed on wheels -  four big wheels, and the baby occupant lies down flat.  A push-chair. as the name suggests, is a chair - a chair on small wheels, where the occupant sits.  So what? Well on the game-show "The Chase" - which I watch from time to time - a contestant was asked what the UK equivalent of the US "stroller" was and was told her answer of "pram" was incorrect and the right answer was push-chair.  Lot of people gone on Twitter and such to say they're the same thing. But, as explained above, they're not. Perhaps not a particularly well constructed question, but the answer she gave was wrong.

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