Friday, February 05, 2016

Free from...

Apparently it's the latest health fad to go on a gluten-free diet, and in the way of these things, shops are cashing in by charging premium prices for gluten-free items. But at least you can get them easily now.  My mother-in-law was diagnosed a coeliac back in the late 1980s or early 1990s and my wife and I had a hell of a job finding gluten-free foods which she could safely eat.  I remember we had to go over to Boots in Birmingham, and then down to the lower basement and there in one far-away corner was a small limited display of gluten-free bread, flour, cakes and biscuits. I seem to recall that they were expensive back then, but it was more the availability rather than the price which was the main problem.  It would be so much easier today.

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