Friday, January 29, 2016

The goggle box.

So, who invented television?  Like many "who invented" questions, the answer is - no one person. People built on other people's ideas, until somebody eventually came up with the goods.  In this case it was a Scotsman called John Logie Baird, who was the first person to demonstrate the ability to transmit an image from one place to another.  Baird's system however was a mechanical one, using spinning disks and was soon superceded by an electronic system using cathode ray tubes, and the man mainly responsible for this was an American named Philo T Farnsworth, whose working model was hijacked by the up-and-coming Radio Corporation of America (RCA).  The Second World War put a stop to the delevopment of television and by the time it was over, Baird's system had been consigned to history, and Farnsworth had been sidelined by RCA.  So who deserves the credit?  You decide.

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