Sunday, January 10, 2016

Information overload??

Going over old ground again, I'm afraid.  With the new government advice on drinking, the question has arisen as to what the safe level of drinking is.  And of course, the answer is, there isn't one. Everything we do - and I do mean everything - has a risk factor attached to it.  It may be a risk of illness, injury or death, but be sure, it is there.  Whether we realise it or not, we spend our lives in a constant state of risk assessment - how likely is it that this (whatever I'm doing or thinking of doing at the moment) will hurt me - either immediately or in the long term?  To the extent that "safe" means anything, it is that the risk is so small that we are prepared to ignore it.  And it is a personal thing - what I am prepared to consider safe, you may not be.  The question really is whether having more information improves the quality of your risk assessment or simply makes you more confused and worried!

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