Saturday, January 02, 2016

Here we go again...!

I get a bit cross when I have to go over old ground - a pub in Wales which has been there over 150 years has had its Facebook page banned for "racist or offensive language".  So what has it done which is so terrible?  Well, the answer is it hasn't done anything - the problem is its name which, as it always has been, is The Blackcock Inn.  And some idiot apparently found this offensive, complained to Facebook, and there you are.  So, old ground?  Yes, I've complained before about the way recent legislation and regulation has more and more put the question of whether an offence has been committed in the hands of the "victim" rather than the legal system where it should be.  And this is a similar situation - somebody finds the name of this pub offensive, and therefore it officially becomes offensive, irrespective of how unreasonable or silly the original finding was.  You could say that whoever made the complaint just has a dirty mind!  An injection of common sense is required I feel.

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