Monday, December 28, 2015

What's done is done.

The thing about history is that it's - well, history. It happened.  We may like it - we may not.  We may be proud of it - we may not.  What we can't do is deny it.  Oh, there are those who have tried - just about every dictator, every totalitarian regime has sought to rewrite history for its own ends, and to air-brush out anybody and anything which does not fit with their view of how things should  be.  But sooner or later, the facts have a happy habit of reasserting themselves.  Cecil Rhodes was an imperialist and a colonialist.  Was he a racist?  Not so clear - very much depends on how you define the word.  But he existed, he lived, he did what he did.  You can't change that - and you shouldn't even try.

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