Saturday, September 26, 2015


So David Cameron may or may not have done some silly things at University?  So?? Take a walk down Broad Street in Birmingham any Friday or Saturday night and you will see young people of a similar age doing all sorts of stupid things.  So what makes Cameron's peccadillos - if indeed they exist - so special? Is it because he's the PM? Or is it. as I suspect, because he's seen as "posh" and posh people are not expected to behave like that?  It's sort of reverse snobbery - the "upper classes" are supposed to walk round with their noses in the air and treat the rest of us with disdain, but above all are supposed to be aloof and behave with dignity and raise their little fingers when they drink a cup of tea.  And somehow when they turn out to be just like the rest of us (albeit with a lot more money) it comes as a shock.  Feet of clay is the expression that springs to mind.

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