Thursday, September 24, 2015


What do you make of this?

Image result for square root of negative 1 2 to the 3rd power sigma pi simpsons

The square root of -1 doesn't exist - that is there is no number which, when multiplied by itself (squared) = -1.  However mathematicians sometimes find that it is useful to pretend that it does. When they use it this way they designate it as "i" - standing for the imaginary number,

2 cubed = 2 x 2 x 2 which equals 8

The Greek letter sigma is used in mathematics to signify "the sum of" or just "sum"

And the final Greek letter is of course "pi" and is used to represent the number of times you can divide the diameter of a circle into its circumference.  This is a famous irrational number - meaning it cannot be expressed exactly - the decimal places go on for ever.

So - the expression reads "I ate some pie".

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