Sunday, August 23, 2015

Here's a funny thing...

...why is it that on calculators and computer keypads the numbers go from 1 to 9 starting at the bottom and going upwards, whereas on telephone keypads (and ATMs and card readers) they go from 1 to 9 starting at the top and going downwards?  And then, just to confuse the issue, the "0" key is at the bottom on both.  I don't have an answer, but it has been suggested that there may be a connection here with Benford's Law (see 15/9/14) in that data entered into a calculator or computer are likely to comply with Benford's Law, and therefore the lower numbers will be used more often, but telephone numbers and PIN numbers, which are essentially random, will not and therefore the more logical top to bottom layout is used.  Anyone know different?

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