Sunday, June 07, 2015

How much !!?

I'm sure most of you have already seen this story, but it bears repeating.  Due to a mix-up, a man had a flight booked with Ryanair in a name not his own.  Ryanair told him that they could put matters right, but they would levy their standard charge of £220 (£110 each way) to do so.  As this would pretty well double the cost of his ticket, he looked at other possibilities and found that it would only cost him £103 to change his name by deed-poll to the name his flight was booked under, and then to get a new passport in that name - so that's what he did.  Not sure what we should make of this - clever lateral thinking by the man, or unjustifiable overcharging by the airline?  Or perhaps - buy cheap and you get cheap??

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