Monday, June 15, 2015

Have you got a minute to talk about...

Good to see that the government are looking into the way charities raise cash from the public.  I had occasion to comment some five years ago about the aggressive attitude of some charities, and things have only got worse.  The recent suspected suicide of a 92-year-old lady who had been bombarded with letters and telephone calls asking for money has perhaps brought matters to a head - and not before time. Of course the irony is that as far as charities as a whole are concerned these tactics are self-defeating - you are less likely to make a charitable donation if you think that this will result in being pestered for more.  As far as individual charities are concerned on the other hand they see themselves as in competition with other good causes to get the biggest share of what is a relatively small cake.  To what extent legislation or regulation can provide an answer is debatable but at least the problem is now out in the open and perhaps the more reputable charities will seek to put their own houses in order.

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