Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Eh up, pet!

According to a world-wide survey conducted by Time Out, the British accent is the most sexy. Yesss!!  But wait a minute - which British accent?  I can't imagine the Black Country accent sets the pulses racing, nor for that matter the Scouse accent or the Tyneside one.  Of course I could be wrong, but I fancy what they had in mind was more likely Estuary English à la Roger Moore or Benedict Cumberbatch. Apparently for some reason, they counted the Scottish accent as separate and this didn't do anywhere near so well, despite the fact that the rest of us Brits rank it as a comforting trustworthy accent, which is why so many call-centre staff are Scottish. And of course, it just ranked accents, not content, so the quality of chat-up lines didn't come into the equation.  Who could resist "Get yer coat - you've pulled"?

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