Sunday, January 04, 2015

Too loooong!

Funny how something which seemed so right at the time can turn out to have a really bad side.  I was very much in favour of the idea of fixed parliaments.  It always seemed so unfair that the Prime Minister of the day should be able to choose when to call a general election - obviously choosing the most propitious moment for himself and his party.  Much better to take it out of his hands, yes?  And yet, here's the other side of the coin - because everybody knows when the next general election will be (7th May for anybody unsure) we are now going to have to endure months of electioneering - indeed it's already underway.  Before, especially when the Prime Minister caught everybody on the hop, there would only be about a month between the dissolution of parliament and the election.  And I know which I would prefer!

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