Monday, December 08, 2014

Ooh - look at her!!

I would feel somewhat embarrassed and uncomfortable if I were in a restaurant and a woman nearby started to breastfeed a baby.  This does not make what she is doing in any way wrong - simply that that is the way it would affect me.  I would imagine there are a fair few people who would feel the same.  Given this, should nursing mothers give any consideration to the feelings of people like me? All this arises because a mother breastfeeding her baby in Claridge's tearooms the other day was asked by staff to cover-up with a napkin. Don't think for me the napkin would have made any difference - it's more a matter of whether this was an appropriate place for such an activity.  The danger is that this will turn into a feminist/party political issue. Nigel Farage has already come in for some stick for making what seemed to me quite reasonable off-the-cuff comments on the matter. Isn't it just a case that there are certain things which perhaps you should think twice about doing in public?  Isn't it just a case of good manners??

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