Thursday, November 13, 2014

What the....???!

So as anybody who follows this blog will know, I am an elderly man, on my own (sadly) and I don't go out much, but would have thought that if and when I do, I would not be seen as posing any sort of danger or threat.  But it appears that this is not so. A (private) park near Weston-super-Mare that caters for families has a policy of not admitting single adults - male or female.  This apparently is for fear of admitting paedophiles.  I would have assumed that this is just the extremist view of this particular park, but to my astonishment the director, in defending their policy, said that what they do is "in line with all other parks".  So this is a general thing? What a sad world we live in - and isn't this discrimination and quite possibly illegal?

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