Sunday, October 19, 2014

Vive la différence!

A guaranteed way of getting up the nose of someone from Wolverhampton or Dudley or thereabouts is, when they tell you where they're from, to say "Oh, you're a Brummie then?".  Birmingham and the Black Country may be close geographically, but are light-years apart in terms of - for want of a better word - culture.  We call them "brummies" because (I think I've already mentioned this) one of the older names of the city was Brummagem.  They call us "yam yams" because in Black Country speak "you are" becomes "yo am" which contracts to yowm or yam, as in "Yam a roit dipstick!"  We have a healthy disrespect for each other - hence to call somebody from Willenhall, say, a brummie would be seen as an insult.

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