Saturday, August 16, 2014

More than one form of extremism?

The "trojan horse" business rumbles on (see posts of 17th April and 10th June). The Department of Education is considering the publication of regulations which will oblige all schools - including independents and academies - to "actively promote British values" - which are defined, among other things, as "respect for legally ‘protected characteristics’ such as homosexuality, religion, gender change, disability, race and marital status".  The Daily Mail blue-rinse brigade have immediately pounced on this as meaning that schools will not be able to celebrate Christmas unless they celebrate other religions' festivals to the same extent, and that teachers will not be able to use words like "husband" and "wife" when discussing marriage, because that would be discriminatory to same-sex couples. Load of round things of course, but what do we think?  Are the regulations an over-reaction? Surely all it amounts to is, as happens at my local primary (about 90%+ white), that kids should know all about Islam, Sikhism, Ramadan, Diwali and the like, and should be aware that there are families which may have two fathers or two mothers.  What's the alternative?  That they should remain ignorant of these things until they face them in real life?  What are schools for if not to prepare kids for what they may have to deal with in the future? Get a grip, folks!

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