Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Breaking news... er, nothing really.

There's an old saying - the devil makes work for idle hands - and this is what seems to be happening with the media and the crash of flight MH17.  Newspapers and news channels cannot abide there being no news, and so the temptation is to make stuff up to fill the void.  Because it has been four or five days now since the plane came down and nothing really has happened, this gives endless scope for the media to indulge in their own flights of fancy.  Let's face it, at the time of writing this it has not yet been definitively determined that the plane was shot down by a missile, and yet this has been treated as an established fact pretty well from day one. Which reminds me of another old saying - if you say something often enough and loud enough it becomes true.  My advice?  At this juncture, keep calm and treat everything you read and hear with caution.

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