Friday, June 06, 2014

Pick a card...the solution

Yes, of course it can be done, and in fact the solution is very simple, although somewhat obscure.
Point to the middle card and ask me the question "Is the card to the left of this card, as I look at it, an ace?"  If I answer "yes" choose the card to the left, if I answer "no" choose the card to the right.  You will always have chosen an ace. Reason?  If the middle card is an ace, then I must answer truthfully, so if I say "yes" then the left card is an ace, and if I say "no" then the left card must be the jack, which means the right card must be an ace.  If the middle card is the jack, then both the other cards must be aces, so it really doesn't matter what I say or which of the other two cards you choose, you will have chosen an ace.

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