Sunday, June 22, 2014

I can see your knickers!

A headmaster at a school in the Isle of Wight has sent some 200-odd girls home for having skirts which were too short.  He maintains that he was merely enforcing the school's uniform code.  Now I know that schoolchildren - boys as well as girls - will "push the envelope" on uniforms and vie with each other to see what they can get away with, but there's another aspect to this, which is that children have this annoying habit of growing, and what was a skirt which fell well below the knee at the start of the school year, may well have crept above the knee by year-end, and most parents wait until the long summer holiday to re-kit their children for the new school year.  Given that we're just coming up to the six-week holiday, did the Head take this into account?

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