Saturday, May 24, 2014

There's this Miss Jones in the typing pool...

Ipswich Borough Council have introduced a new code of conduct for their workers which requires them to tell their bosses of any "close personal relationships" they have with other members of staff. You may think this is an unwarranted intrusion into people's personal lives - but I can see it both ways. First off, I met my wife-to-be when we both worked in the same office and if it had been known that we were going out together it might well have damaged what was at first a rather fledgling relationship.  On the other hand, I once managed an office of some 200 people and found it pretty essential to know who was doing what with whom so as to try and ensure when assigning people to particular jobs that there were no personality clashes or other obstacles to the smooth running of the office.  So like I say, I can see it both ways.

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