Sunday, April 13, 2014

Here we go again.

Co-incidentally, it was just about a year ago (4/5/13) that I was questioning the relevance of some of the evidence being given in the trial of the man accused of the murder of April Jones.  And now I must do the same again.  Hillsborough was a tragedy, and I have nothing but sympathy for the families of those who died, but what is gained by them standing up in court and making statements about the deceased, and how what happened that day has affected them?  It may or may not help them, but how does it help the jury?  An inquest jury is concerned with determining the manner in which someone died, and I fail to see how knowing what sort of person they were, or how their death has affected others, in any way helps them in their deliberations - indeed if anything, I would imagine it makes their job more difficult by introducing an emotional element into what should be a fact-finding exercise.  Once again I have to ask - where's the relevance?

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