Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Four-score men and four-score more
Could not make Humpty Dumpty where he was before
Of course, most of us know Humpty Dumpty from "Through the Looking Glass" - the follow-up to "Alice in Wonderland" where he is very definitely drawn as an egg. There have been many suggestions as to the origin of the rhyme - from the idea that it was originally a riddle (what is it that, if it were to fall off a wall, would break and could not be restored to its original state? Answer - an egg) to the suggestion that it was based on a real event concerning a large cannon in the Civil War which, as a result of enemy bombardment, toppled off the wall it was on, and was so heavy that it could not be lifted back up there. Oh come on - let's just enjoy it as a nursery rhyme, eh?
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