Thursday, February 13, 2014


In trying to make my posts short and concise, it appears I sometimes just confuse people.  Why did I call my post the other day "The panda problem"?  This was a reference to Lynne Truss's recent best-selling book "Eats shoots and leaves" where the title is based on an old joke about a panda who goes into a restaurant, orders a meal, finishes it, pulls out a gun and fires it, then walks out.  When asked to explain his actions, he takes out a reference book and points to the definition of a panda as an animal which "eats, shoots and leaves" - thus demonstrating the way a comma can completely alter the meaning of a sentence.  Had it been written "eats, shoots, and leaves" by the way, the second comma before the "and" is what is known as an Oxford comma, so that clears that one up as well.

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