Sunday, January 05, 2014

Over the top men!!

Oh God, that bloke Gove is at it again.  It's not that he's an idiot - indeed I'm sure he's very clever - but he's a classic example of the old adage that you should "put brain in gear before opening mouth". His latest rant - and I don't think that's too strong a word - is against what he sees as a "left wing" bias in the way the First World War is portrayed.  So "Oh, What A Lovely War" and "Blackadder Goes Forth" and anything else (Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen??) that suggests that the War was anything other than an unmitigated success and an example of brilliant generalship is to him a travesty designed to "denigrate virtues such as patriotism, honour and courage".  I don't remember either of those shows or any of that poetry denying that those that fought were not patriots, honourable men and courageous.  Doesn't alter that fact that on all available evidence, the whole thing on both sides was for the most part a shambles and many, if not most who died, did so pointlessly.

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