Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hear both sides?

Stonewall, which is a gay rights group, paid for banners to be displayed on the sides of buses saying "Some people are gay.  Get over it!".  Not surprisingly there were those who found this offensive, so some of them got together and made up their own banners saying "Not Gay!  Ex-Gay, Post-Gay and Proud.  Get over it!".  And this offended some gays.  Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other, right? Well no, apparently.  The first (pro-gay) poster was allowed, but the second (anti-gay) was blocked by the Mayor of London.The matter is currently before the Court of Appeal to decide whether the Mayor had used his power improperly.  Surely there is no intrinsic difference between the two? Each statement is as valid - or invalid - as the other.  All a bit childish?

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