Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't be nasty to me...

Stan Collymore is holding Twitter responsible for abusive tweets - including apparently death threats - that were posted following his assertion that Luis Suarez "dived" to get the penalty which saved Liverpool from defeat in Saturday's match against the Villa at Anfield.  My first reaction is that if you put yourself on Twitter you must accept the consequences.  As I've said many times, freedom of speech, if it is to mean anything, must include the freedom to offend.  If you don't want to be offended, then don't put yourself on Twitter - simple as that.  But should Twitter be held responsible for what people put on there?  To me, this is like saying that the wall is responsible for any graffiti which might be on it.  If there were indeed death threats, then that is a matter for the police, not Twitter.  Other than that, to use the old saying "If you can't stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen".

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