Sunday, December 15, 2013

Nature v nurture.

A debate that's been going on since - well, forever.  To what extent is what you are the result of being born that way (nature) or to what extent is it down to your upbringing (nurture)?  Well a recent study has suggested that as far as academic success is concerned, nature is more important than nurture.  I don't quite understand the methodology used, but it has something to do with studying the exam results of identical and non-identical twins, and appears to show that genetic factors are twice as important in determining how well you do as environmental factors.  This of course is not what you would expect - the general perceived wisdom is that children with "caring" parents who take an interest in and help them with their schoolwork will do better than those whose parents do not.  The results of this study do to a degree support Boris Johnson's comments about IQ which were the subject of a recent post.

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