Monday, October 21, 2013


My God, we have turned into a nation of wimps, haven't we?  The mere suggestion that you might wish to save a little on your energy costs by putting on a sweater has been met with incredulity in some quarters - as though round-the-clock central heating were some sort of basic human right.  Young people today don't know they're born!  In the days before central heating and double glazing you huddled round the fire with as many layers on as necessary.  I can see my Dad now sitting in his chair with his travel rug tucked around his knees and his hands cradling a steaming mug of Bovril.  That's how we coped when it was cold, and we were grateful we had a decent fire to sit round - there were many that didn't.  And when you went out of the room or upstairs you accepted that it would be freezing.  So stick a jumper on and stop moaning!

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