Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Is it an advert?

So what's your take on this van with the "In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest" billboard on the side which has been touring immigrant areas of London. The Advertising Standards Authority (why them of all people?) are considering whether it breaches any laws or regulations, after receiving 60 complaints.  I would have thought that, given the number of people who must have seen it, 60 is a very small number, but there you are.  I find it useful when considering anything of this nature, to turn it round and look at it the other way.  So what are these complainants saying?  If they are saying that the "go home or face arrest" statement is somehow wrong or unacceptable, they are presumably saying that those immigrants who are here illegally should (a) be allowed to stay - i.e. not go home, and (b) not face arrest.  So like I say - what's your take?

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