Thursday, August 22, 2013

Got it wrong?

Stonehenge in the news again following a court action taken by one King Arthur Pendragon, a Druid leader to have human remains which were excavated there re-interred.  It is of course less then two months ago that Druids and other assorted types gathered there to celebrate the summer solstice.  Leaving aside for the moment that any connection between Stonehenge and the Druids is tenuous to say the least, it always strikes me that if in fact the site was created as some sort of solar calendar, then they are celebrating the wrong solstice.  Think about it - if you are primitive man, you have experienced the way the days gets longer and warmer and then shorter and colder, but you have no understanding as to whether this pattern will continue - you just hope it will.  So which are you more likely to celebrate - that it's the middle of summer and the days will be getting shorter, or that it's the middle of winter and they will be getting longer?  No-brainer, isn't it? So if the site was in fact used in this way, I am confident that it would be the winter solstice that it would have been used to celebrate. Mind you, it's a bit chilly to be standing around in the middle of a field in December so perhaps that has something to do with the fact that modern Druids choose to gather there in mid-summer.

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