Monday, June 03, 2013

Something must be broken

We have a welfare system which means that no-one should go hungry - no-one should be left with insufficient money to put food on the table.  I've posted before about the basic concept that the level of benefits should be set at subsistence level - but subsistence level means the level at which you can subsist - that is, continue to exist.  And yet it seems that thousands - hundreds of thousands - of people are depending on food banks to keep the wolf from the door.  I think we need to find out why.  As I see it, it means one of three things - either the level of benefit is too low - i.e. below subsistence level, or people are not managing their benefit properly - for whatever reason they are spending their money on other things, and not having enough left for food, or lastly, that the system is not getting the money to people in time.  I have no idea which of these (or which combination of these) is the reason, but I think we need to find out - there is no place for food banks in a properly run civilised society.

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