Friday, June 14, 2013

Do we have the right to know?

Secrecy breeds conspiracy.  There's an organisation called the Bilderberg Group (named after the hotel where it first met) which holds annual meetings to which people of influence in North America and Europe are invited.  No official guest-list is published, and no communique is issued detailing what was discussed and what decisions, if any, were agreed.  And it is this complete lack of publicity which has led some people to to see it as a sinister organisation cooking up agreements behind closed doors which may affect us all.  The counter-argument is that, because it is private, it allows people to speak their minds without having their words picked over - and possibly distorted - by the media.  I'm fairly relaxed about it, but many people aren't, and indeed it was the subject of a recent question in Parliament.  So - how do you see it?

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