Sunday, May 05, 2013

Coming through!!

A strange story in the news about a primary school in Sussex which is issuing "licences" to children who have passed a proficiency test run by the school allowing them to scoot to and from school.  This in response apparently to complaints from local residents about what they perceive as hazards caused by kids on scooters behaving irresponsibly.  Two points - however well-intentioned. these licences have no legal effect, and indeed schools have no jurisdiction over their pupils outside school premises and school hours.  But far more to the point, where are the parents? This is a primary school so I would expect and hope that the majority of children are being taken and picked up by parents or other responsible adults and it is for them to control what their little darlings are doing once out on the streets. I've no problem with kids being taught road-sense, and indeed have posted about this before, but perhaps they should also run courses for parents?

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