Sunday, March 31, 2013

Eggs-actly (sorry about that).

So what is it with Easter and eggs?  The Church sees the connection as symbolic - an egg is a symbol of new life, and the shape represents the stone which sealed the tomb of Jesus.  But there is a more prosaic connection, which also explains why eggs used in Easter festivities tend to be hard-boiled.  If you refer back to my post of 20/2/07 you will see that eggs were one of the foods prohibited during Lent.  But of course you couldn't stop the hens laying, so you preserved the eggs laid during Lent by hard-boiling them and then come Easter you would have a load of them the older of which you could use for all sorts of activities like decorating them, having egg hunts, or egg-rolling races or threading string though them and essentially playing conkers with them.  And doubtless you would be using the more recent ones for egg-based dishes for days after, so not surprisingly you would associate Easter with eggs! 

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