Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We should hang our heads.

The shameful delay in raising a memorial to the lads of Bomber Command which I posted about last June, is as nothing compared with the fact that it is only now, nearly 70 years after the event, that those sailors who undertook what Churchill called "the worst journey in the world", ferrying supplies to the Soviet Arctic ports during WWII, are to receive recognition of their efforts with the minting of an Arctic Star medal.  There aren't many of them left of course, which makes the delay all the more reprehensible. In the immediate post-war period it was apparently felt that it would be inappropriate to honour those who had helped a country which was now our cold war enemy, and by the time the Wall came down it was considered too late to do anything about it.  So, better late than never, but we should be ashamed of ourselves.

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