Thursday, February 21, 2013

Is this the future?

The other day I watched about six hours of TV - nothing special in that, that's about my normal daily ration, but what made this different is that I never turned the TV on. No, everything I watched I watched on my computer using the various streaming sites, like iPlayer and Sky Go.  And it was all catch-up stuff - programmes from the past - in some cases the long-distant past.  And I wondered if TV as we know it and have always known it is on its way out.  In years to come, will we turn on the TV to be simply presented with a menu from which we will chose what we want to watch? I suppose there will always be a place for news and current affairs programmes but other than that I can't see why I should be stuck with a schedule thought up by somebody else.  Indeed, what brought me doing what I described above was that on that day there was simply nothing on "live" TV worth watching (at least in my opinion).  I remember when video recorders first made their appearance, one of their selling points was that you would be able to create your own schedule of what to watch and when, and streaming is just the latest step down the same road.

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