Sunday, February 24, 2013

Do you have the "yuk" factor?

Has this horsemeat business affected your shopping habits?  It seems for some it has.  Local butchers are reporting an increase in trade and Asda has said it has noticed more people seem to be buying vegetarian ready meals.  Each to his own, but I'm still buying the same stuff I always have.  For starters, most ready meals that I buy are chicken based, which as far as I am aware is not iffy, but also I was brought up in the war, when you didn't enquire too closely into what you were eating - if it tasted all right, that was all that mattered.  There's an old song which starts "Ah, sweet mystery of life at last I've found thee...", and back then this was commonly referred to as The Sausage Song, because nobody wanted to think too deeply about what wartime sausages contained!

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