Friday, February 08, 2013

But we met our targets...

What happened over the years at Stafford Hospital (and I'm sure it's not unique) is truly shocking, but that's what you get when meeting targets becomes the be-all and end-all and more important than doing the job.  I was talking about the dangers of target-based management back in 2007 - and I speak from experience. Will anything change though?  I'd like to think so, but frankly I doubt it.  Setting targets is an ideal strategy for the lazy manager - it means that you don't have to get your hands dirty by visiting the "shop floor" and involving yourself in what's really going on, and if anything goes wrong, well it's not your fault is it - it's the system that failed.  Just watch how those in charge at Stafford, and those in charge of them and so on up the line wriggle out of it.  Targets are OK when the product is widgets or whatever, but when the product is people, targets can end up being toxic.

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