Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Give us a day off - I'm knackered!

Many Churches up in arms because a High Court Judge has ruled that Christians do not have the right to refuse to work on a Sunday, on the basis that keeping Sunday as a "day of rest" is not a core component of their beliefs.  Of course the immediate knee-jerk reaction is "What about the fourth commandment - remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy...".  Well yes, but the commandments well predate Christianity - they were rules for the Jews, and the Jewish sabbath was and still is Saturday (well strictly the time between sunset on Friday and the first visible stars on Saturday). So if you're going to rely on Biblical authority then it's Saturday you should be refusing to work on.  No coincidence that in many languages the word for Saturday has obvious connotations with sabbath (sabbado, subbota, sabbaton etc.). So how come we designate Sunday as the sabbath?  Because we're wrong, simple as that! Keeping Sunday as the day for worship is one thing - nothing wrong with that (and the obvious connection is that Sunday is the day Jesus rose from the dead), but calling it the sabbath is just plain wrong.  Actually this all had nothing to do with the Judge's ruling, but I thought it was interesting.

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