Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Does the US First Amendment trump the Second or vice versa?  There is a UK dimension to this I promise.  Piers Morgan - ex-editor of the Daily Mirror is now a TV host over there, and used his programme to criticise gun control - or lack of it - in the light of the school massacre the other week.  As a result, he was subjected to a lot of vitriolic abuse on Facebook and Twitter, and a petition was got up to have him deported back here to the UK.  So, as he himself has pointed out, the First Amendment protects his right to say what he likes, so where does that leave those who object to his comments about the Second Amendment?  Of course, the irony is that someone has started a petition over here to "Keep Piers Morgan in the USA" on the basis that "no one in the UK wants him back"!  Happy New Year by the way.

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